Ayurveda is one of the world’s oldest holistic healing systems, originated 5000 years ago in India. Unlike Western medicine, Ayurveda is a holistic science and looks at wellness as a whole: perfect health is defined as a state of balance between mind, body, spirit, and social well-being. Rather than treating only the symptoms, Ayurveda focuses on finding and treating the root cause of disease.
Ayurvedic philosophy benefits
Naturally synchronise with your truest self
Nurture and nourish your mind, body and spirit equally
Improve your sense of well-being
Enhance health at a cellular level
Harmonize your energy with your environment
Promote balance and a healthy lifestyle
The 5 Elements
Ayurvedic principles and practices are based on the concept of 5 fundamental elements that are the building blocks of nature:
The Doshas
According to Ayurvedic philosophy, everyone is born with a unique constitution known as Prakruti. The Prakruti is a unique combination of physical and psychological traits that determine how each individual works. It is established from conception.
Each person’s unique Prakruti, or constitution, is made up of three qualities known as Doshas. Ayurvedic ideology holds that the 5 natural elements of nature come together to form the 3 doshas, each of which has a distinct influence on body processes.
However, internal, external, and environmental variables like day and night, seasonal changes, nutrition, lifestyle choices, and more have an impact on one's prakruti that results in ailments, diseases and other visible symptoms.
The doshas are biological energies that may be found throughout the human body and mind. They regulate bodily and mental functions and give each living creature a unique blueprint for health, happiness and fulfilment.
Ayurveda, therefore, emphasizes sickness prevention and advocates sustaining health by adhering to daily and seasonal routines that help you regain the balanced constituent with which you were born.
Ayurveda recognize three body types, that we call doshas, they are named:
Pitta is represented by fire and water, and it is considered to be in charge of digestion, metabolism, intellect, and skin color. Anger, hatred, and jealousy are all Pitta emotions.
Vata is represented by the elements of air and space. Vata is in charge of controlling muscle and joint movement, as well as respiration and pulse. Vata also regulates anxiety, fear, pain, and other nervous system processes.
Kapha is represented by the earth and water. Kapha governs the physical structure of the body as well as the immunological system. Calmness, forgiving, love, and greed are all believed to be Kapha-controlled emotional reactions.
What's your Dosha?
Find out with our Dosha quiz!
Our Ayurvedic Massages and Treatments
2 Locations to Book:
1. Vaucluse - The reconnection room
Please email me for direct bookings, using the below button
2. Harley Place Health, Bondi Junction clinic
1 hr
150 Australian dollars1 hr
110 Australian dollars1 hr
110 Australian dollars30 min
70 Australian dollars30 min
70 Australian dollars1 hr
110 Australian dollars1 hr
110 Australian dollars