Choosing a Life of Balance

About Deb
This beautiful project was officially born in Feb 2020. In reality, the original idea was born in May 2016, when the brand was called Green Yoga Travel, an agency for Yoga Retreats and holidays.
Yoga came into her life in 2010 when she was living in London. She suffered from chronic back pain at the age of 24, sometimes the pain was so intense to be forced into bed for days. Tried anything possible, but at first, she was hesitant once she started practising yoga every day, the pain started to disappear after a decade...a new revolution in her life, living pain-free!
Today, counting years of Yoga practice since 2010, she found that teaching is her true vocation and she has made it her profession.
She deeply understood Yoga and Meditation's healing benefits at different times of her life.
She suffered from thyroid issues for different years and was told that she had to live with it and wouldn't ever be able to cure it. She didn't believe it. Determined to understand better, after lots of research, holistic medicine treatments, and a holistic approach to her lifestyle, this meant changing what she was eating, drinking, basically anything around her environment, the thyroid started to function correctly.
In 2019 Deb decided to leave her office job after a difficult year where she hit the bottom...coping with stress, anxiety, health issues, a relationship breakout, burnout from work and a difficult family loss. She found the strength to leave everything behind and start from zero, pursuing her dreams. She travels solo to India where she studies Yoga & Ayurveda and took her certifications.
Yoga saved her life, by bringing in the light again in her soul. A true transformation happened!
Today has been proven by science that Yoga, Meditation and a Holistic lifestyle improve our health, so we proudly teach and share our knowledge.
If you find this story aligns with you, I feel you and I'm here to help you transform your life! Life is never easy, but with good foundations, we can overcome every obstacle.
The Space Holistic Wellness believes in living a life full of joy, gratitude, love and free of judgement, where anything is the Yoga Life. We share our values and awareness as a guide for our students during our teachings and practices.
Why The Space Holistic Wellness?
We love and respect Mother Earth, and the connection to nature can be pretty powerful, nurturing and filling. We expand our green heart as we practice and teach with loving and kindness...activating our Heart Chakra.
It's about the human connection empowering you and the reconnection with yourself..

Our Core Values
Creating a space where to fill your cup, nurturing yourself.
A space of no judgment, where you can be curious and explore your body via movement & breathe.
Our core values are love, respect, support, kindness, healing, happiness & gratitude.
We are here to inspire and empower you.
Feeling your own energy and connect with your inner guide.
We help you to Reconnect to your Mind, Body & Spirit.
Our Mission
The Space Holistic Wellness's mission is to impact and transform lives through yoga education and practice. Promote a yogi lifestyle with a holistic health approach. Reconnect to our mind, body and spirit. Teaching techniques for improving our wellbeing and feeling aligned. Our mission is to create a wellness hub, a temple for our body, where you can unwind and express yourself with no judgment. Regain your balance and a space to learn how to feel grounded.
We respect our land, and our animals and we try our best to protect it. Deb constantly works to sustain projects on environmental sustainability.
Reducing single plastic use, recycling, reusing, fix where possible before trashing it in the landfill. Supporting shops for bulk shopping. Practising Karma Yoga, we invite everyone to collect rubbish from the beach before enters the ocean, clean up your local park and just help out your local community.
We also support fundraising for the less fortunate and supporting education.

Our Vision
We offer a friendly & healthy space where to practice, with yoga instructors passionate about teaching.
We focus on helping our community with integrity and respect. We offer a variety of services: online classes, one to one, sound healing meditations, groups classes, yoga retreats, classes in the park, workshops, and more to help you achieve a healthier body, mind & soul.