Abhyanga Ayurveda Massage
Total Body Oil Massage, 1 hour $110
Service Description
Indulge yourself with a total body Ayurvedic oil massage. Application of Ayurvedic warm body oil. Beneficial for deep relaxation, cures insomnia, headache, releasing tension and muscular pain. Lymphatic massage.

Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule your booking or class: Please visit greenyoga.me access your account (right top corner) and cancel your booking. You can cancel your class from the Speces by Wix app, under your profile, you will see a page called ''my agenda'' and ''my bookings'' click ''cancel''. No shows Unlimited plans don't need any further action. One time class or treatment booked please contact Deb to reschedule your class/treatments. Events Please contact the organiser for a refund or re-schedule greenyogame@gmail.com. Depending on the event a booking fee might be held for late cancellation. Private classes & treatments only: Please note cancellation requires 4 hours cancellation notice prior to your booking class. Below 4 hours notice, there will be a $10 cancellation fee for private classes and treatments. Unless is an emergency, we all know life happens, then the fee will be waived under the management discretion. Please check with the organizer for any other services and reschedule your private class or treatment. If you have any difficulties to cancel or reschedule your appointment contact Deb 0404 513 616. We appreciate your collaboration to keep this a respectful community for everyone's time. Namaste, Deb
Contact Details
2/5 Young St, Vaucluse NSW, Australia